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for over 50 years

in the field

of buildings

Aware of what the modern needs in construction are, what are the standards to guarantee to the buyer and above all, attentive to the regulations in force in the field of anti-seismic, energy and acoustic qualification, we have developed a VERSATILE , FAST , SAFE and DURABLE construction system. over time, safeguarding the most important aspect, that is the proposal of residential units at ACCESSIBLE PRICES and comparable to traditional building systems.






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Years of activity

Construction Systems



customized turnkey projects

about us         

Arch. Paolo Voltarel (TV)

For some time I have been looking for a fast, flexible, alternative and performing construction solution. A  built in steel and concrete, in energy class A4, it is built in a few months, it is  unassailable by parasites e  it has a durability of materials comparable to systems  traditional.

This combination is the best ticket  cards to convince customers who still mistrust the most common prefabrication systems.

The Steelconcrete® System is the right solution to my needs.

Tullio Rizzo Client (MO)

After the bad experience of the earthquake that there  hit, where i lost my newly remodeled home, i couldn't get into one anymore  brick house, I lived in a camper for 6 months.  I met Steelhome and theirs  Steelconcrete® system and I decided  to build my new home with this technology; in record time I was able to sleep again in the bed of my house.

Arch. Luca Pagano (TV)

We were a little perplexed when he was there  proposed this alternative construction system, but after our experience we remained  strongly enthusiastic about the speed of execution,  and for the certainty of knowing how to verify every detail  already in the final design phase.

After this last construction site we also have  established that this type of technology can be  also suitable in complex areas such as those of  renovation in the historic center.

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